Strange Effects Issue

Hello All,

 I'm running an Expres 24/48 with software v3.1.  We have two moving lights and a couple scrollers. We are running a few effects cues with the scrollers, but not the moving lights. While stepping back and forth during tech, the moving light channels seem to get stuck in some kind of loop running up ad down although they are not programmed into the effects. The only way I've found to stop this is to go into the Background Overrides menu and clear cancel all of the background cues. It doesn't happen consistently, but it only happens when jumping around effects cues.

  Has anyone experienced this before, and does anyone have any advice on how to keep it from happening? At the moment i've just programmed a macro to clear background cues with one touch and this seems to be working, but I'd really like to find the root cause.

 Thanks in advance,

  Ruby Rubenstahl

  Master Electrician

  Barter Theatre

  • The moving lights are finishing their move in the cue time, while your conventionals are moving in with the cues your jumping around in.  If you enable quickstep when jumping around you should get rid of this behavior, or set them to not indepedent.  The light board is trying to help you.  

     Good luck


  • The moving lights are finishing their move in the cue time, while your conventionals are moving in with the cues your jumping around in.  If you enable quickstep when jumping around you should get rid of this behavior, or set them to not indepedent.  The light board is trying to help you.  

     Good luck


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