My board won't patch! Show in a day!

Hi all, I'm a bit new at the lighting design thing. I've got a show tomorrow night and I can't seem to get my board to take the patches it says its completed into the sliders/submasters. I was able to patch certain areas of the stage, my SL and SR trees and 2/3 Cyc colors...but everything else that worked previously when in stage mode, wouldn't patch and once I returned to stage mode I couldn't bring up the dimmers independently either. Is there something that I am missing?
  • OK, lets assume that it's an Express of some sorts....

    1) Since you seem to be moving between Blind and Stage, note that some functions in Stage, are different in Blind, and vice versa. 

    2) It sounds like you are talking about channels and/or groups of channels being recorded onto looks on the submasters. FYI, the term "Patch" refers to the Dimmer to Channel assigments in the Patch section (next to the Stage and Blind hard keys).   Just a terminoligy clarification.

    You might start with a clean slate by clearing all the subs.  Go to Setup, Clear and select Clear Subs.  If any subs have looks recorded, the sub's LED will remain solid or blinking green.  If you've cleared them, then the sub's LED is dark.

    Then make certain you are in Stage mode, key in some CHANNELS - say "Channel 1 thru 5 @ 100%".  Then press the Record button and then the bump button for sub 1.  Sub 1 LED should now show as solid green (assuming the slider is at zero).  Channels 1-5 should now come up to full when you move the sub 1 slider to full.

    (BTW, is the Gtrand Master at full, with the Blackout Button OFF ?.  )

    Does this happen ?.  If not, we need some add'l info'.

    3) As to not being able to access dimmers independently (and I assume you do mean DIMMER), note that if you have the most recent console OS software installed, the upper right hard key on the numeric section is NOT dimmer.  It's FIXTURE, in the event the keycap was not swapped.  The Dimmer key moved to a soft key. Once you find the softkey for dimmer, does "Dimmer 1 @ Full, ENTER" do anything, noting that it helps to access a dimmer that you are certain has a working fixture, else nothing will happen.  Also note that Dimmer is different from Channel, and that you cannot record looks from a dimmer value.  You have to use a Channel.

    Hope this helps.

    Steve B.









    [edited by: Steve Bailey at 1:17 PM (GMT -6) on Fri, Jul 04 2008]
  • That is helpful. I'm making a list of things to try when I get into the space again tomorrow with the TD. He's just not done anything on the board in a long time and said he may not be much I'm preemptively trying to trouble shoot. I've also asked an old mentor who's a master electrician to come in and help if he's available but I'm not sure he will be able to.

    I did check my channels in stage mode as you suggested and everything in my plot was on and responded to commands. It was when I tried to set these channels into groups controlled by a submaster that I wasn't able to do so except for my side-lighting and two of the three cyc colors.

    I'm trying to set my channels into subs so I can create looks for my cues. I'm not too clear on terminology so I apologize for being unclear earlier. :) I have been trained to do this by patching my channels into areas of coverage that are controlled by the sub-masters. From there I create a look, set the cue, etc...

    I am working on an Express model, I didn't get the model number but it looks EXACTLY like the one pictured under Wikepedia's article on the Lighting Control Console. It's the third pic down... sorry I'm not much help am I?

  • That is helpful. I'm making a list of things to try when I get into the space again tomorrow with the TD. He's just not done anything on the board in a long time and said he may not be much I'm preemptively trying to trouble shoot. I've also asked an old mentor who's a master electrician to come in and help if he's available but I'm not sure he will be able to.

    I did check my channels in stage mode as you suggested and everything in my plot was on and responded to commands. It was when I tried to set these channels into groups controlled by a submaster that I wasn't able to do so except for my side-lighting and two of the three cyc colors.

    I'm trying to set my channels into subs so I can create looks for my cues. I'm not too clear on terminology so I apologize for being unclear earlier. :) I have been trained to do this by patching my channels into areas of coverage that are controlled by the sub-masters. From there I create a look, set the cue, etc...

    I am working on an Express model, I didn't get the model number but it looks EXACTLY like the one pictured under Wikepedia's article on the Lighting Control Console. It's the third pic down... sorry I'm not much help am I?

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