Obsession II

I am teaching myself the Obsession II using the offline editor. And I have a stupid question. Where is the release button, or the equivalent? I am creating cues and hit clear but the levels still stay in red. What am I not doing?
  • What you're running into here is a conceptual difference between the Express/Expression programming style and the Obsession programming style.

    In Expression, when you set levels, you are setting them in what's called the 'programmer'. The levels are held there until you hit the release key.

    In Obession style programming, the latest change of level takes control, so when you set levels manually they turn red, but control can be re-asserted by other sources of levels - cues, for example.

    To clear out levels, you can use 'Go To Cue' 0 <Enter>. Cue zero is a special cue of all levels at zero.

    Hope that helps,


  • Also, [Sneak Enter] or [Chan 1 thru 5 Sneak Enter] will fade the manual (red) levels to the level in your current cue.
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