Right Arm personality for an Insight 3

I am trying to test out a Right Arm from Apollo on my Insight 3 (basically running Expression 3 software) but think I've done something wrong when I wrote the personality.  Does anyone have the personality that they'd be willing to send to me?  Or know where I can find one?  Neither my local ETC rep nor the guys from Apollo have one, nor can tell me where I can get one.  It seemed easy enough to make, but the fixture isn't working properly and the only thing that I can think is that I've done something wrong in making the personality.

 The fixture moves a little when I send it a command, but then jumps immediately back to where it started from and then sits there ignoring any other commands sent.  Does that sound like anything anyone has come across?



Parents Reply Children
  • Thanks for the info.  I'm in mode 6, which should be the 16bit + speed.  I've put in those values (the 5 channels listed above out of the manual) and it didn't work.  I called Apollo and he said something about home needing to be at 50% for pan course & fine, as well as tilt fine - but it needed to be 0% for title course.  I can't get the personality editor to recognize the difference in home percentages for tilt course vs tilt fine.  I've played around with various different settings in the editor but haven't hit on one that will work.  I'm very frustrated, partly because no one whom I ask can tell me how to get the thing working.  I have a feeling that I've got some setting wrong in the editor, but can't be sure that that's the problem.



  • Have you tried controlling the device without using any personality or the fixture patch?  Try controlling the parameters as normal channels on the Insight 3 -- as if they were dimmers.

    The simplest way to do this is set the device to DMX start address 1.  Then on the Insight 3,  change levels yourself for channels 1-5 (assuming a 1-1 patch).  If this controls the fixture correctly, then the problem is likely in your personality.  If this does not control the fixture properly, then there's some problem with the signal getting from the Insight 3 to the device.

    Finally, have you checked all cables and termination?

  • Starting over (somewhat).  The channels for Apollo Right Arm in Mode6: 16bit + speed are:

    1 Pan Coarse, 2 Pan Fine, 3 Tilt Coarse, 4 Tilt Fine, 5 Speed.

    Unless you require a very smooth movement over a long path, ignore the speed channel by leaving it at zero. (We can come back to this once you get the movement functioning.)

    With the pan and tilt channels set as 16b parameters, they will show on your display as 0-65535.  50%= ~32768.

    I have neither an Expression3, nor an Apollo Right Arm available to test, but here is a personality that I hope will work for you. Let us know.


    [edited by: derekleffew at 4:07 PM (GMT -6) on Mon, Sep 22 2008] [edited by: derekleffew at 4:06 PM (GMT -6) on Mon, Sep 22 2008]