Right Arm personality for an Insight 3

I am trying to test out a Right Arm from Apollo on my Insight 3 (basically running Expression 3 software) but think I've done something wrong when I wrote the personality.  Does anyone have the personality that they'd be willing to send to me?  Or know where I can find one?  Neither my local ETC rep nor the guys from Apollo have one, nor can tell me where I can get one.  It seemed easy enough to make, but the fixture isn't working properly and the only thing that I can think is that I've done something wrong in making the personality.

 The fixture moves a little when I send it a command, but then jumps immediately back to where it started from and then sits there ignoring any other commands sent.  Does that sound like anything anyone has come across?



  • I went ahead and read the Right Arm manual (I've never used one.) The speed channel is not discussed there at all, and just mentioned on the Spec sheet. Did the factory guy tell you how to use it? Your description of the motion suggests that you have the Speed (or more commonly, and vividly, MSpeed) channel set wrong.

    Since the manual doesn't explain how to use Speed, I may be wrong, but usually to get direct (i.e. numerical, encoder, or submaster) control of a unit with an MSpeed parameter, you have to disable MSpeed (with a certain value they provide) while you position the unit. They you have to (tediously, usually) change the value at the right time, and provide the new position value in a zero count fade. Otherwise you get little, no, or back-again motion.  As I say, it's not in the manual, so I might be wrong.

    And unless that special value happens to be zero, you may not get a good test when not using the personality, if you can see what I mean. 

  • The speed channel is discussed in the manual found here and shipped with every Right Arm.  Page 3 of the pdf (which is page 14 of the printed version) explains the speed channel as follows:


    Modes that have a speed channel (Modes 3-9) use the following format:

    0 Full speed (desk control)

    1 – 49% Fast speed to slow speed

    50 – 70% Slowest speed

    71 – 89% Reset if pan and tilt are at 0 and DMX values are held stationary for 3 seconds or more

    90 – 100% Full speed (desk control)


    It is as simple as it sounds.  The unit does not use MSpeed.  The Right Arm, as with all Apollo products, is designed to be "Plug-n-Play".  All you have to do is address the unit and you are off and running whether you are using a personality/profile or not.  However, if a personality is not properly set up, it can cause problems.

  • The speed channel is discussed in the manual found here and shipped with every Right Arm.  Page 3 of the pdf (which is page 14 of the printed version) explains the speed channel as follows:


    Modes that have a speed channel (Modes 3-9) use the following format:

    0 Full speed (desk control)

    1 – 49% Fast speed to slow speed

    50 – 70% Slowest speed

    71 – 89% Reset if pan and tilt are at 0 and DMX values are held stationary for 3 seconds or more

    90 – 100% Full speed (desk control)


    It is as simple as it sounds.  The unit does not use MSpeed.  The Right Arm, as with all Apollo products, is designed to be "Plug-n-Play".  All you have to do is address the unit and you are off and running whether you are using a personality/profile or not.  However, if a personality is not properly set up, it can cause problems.

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