Can You ID this console?

Hey folks. I picked up this console at a local auction and was wondering if anyone could ID the exact model or where to look on the console to find the model #. I have searched the net a bit and think it may be an ETC Obsession 1500, but I know pictures can be deceiving on some posts. I am not a theater pro but did some theater in college and thought this piece of equipment might be a bargain and quite saleable. But I cant sell it if I can't describe it accurately. Any Idea what I could do to test functionality?  

  • You certainly have an Obsession 1. Channel count is up in the air as it came in 1500 or 3000. You should look at the back panel for the part number and/ or Serial Number. Look for something starting with 4052xxxxx or with OBSNxxxxx. Giving all that information to ETC and they might be able to tell you everything about it.

    Also note that the OBSN1 was also sold as a ‘face panel’ with an outboard processor so you might have a unit that does nothing without the RPU that goes with it. (Would need to see a photo of the inside)  

    Cheers, Mike

  • You certainly have an Obsession 1. Channel count is up in the air as it came in 1500 or 3000. You should look at the back panel for the part number and/ or Serial Number. Look for something starting with 4052xxxxx or with OBSNxxxxx. Giving all that information to ETC and they might be able to tell you everything about it.

    Also note that the OBSN1 was also sold as a ‘face panel’ with an outboard processor so you might have a unit that does nothing without the RPU that goes with it. (Would need to see a photo of the inside)  

    Cheers, Mike
