Erratic Trackpad

Just a quick post as ETC tech support is currently closed, and with no operators at that.

 I've been dealing with a 48/96 board with a faulty trackpad for quite some time now. Only now is it a real issue, as the venue is looking to use a fairly large amount of moving lights in an upcoming show. This has been a problem since the board was purchased, apparently, and I'm curious as to what the options are as to resolving the problem. As far as the problems with the trackpad itself go, "erratic" is definitely the right word. Issues range from no response when used, to independently reversed X and Y axes, to no less than random output. At this point I'm assuming that it's a hardware fault, but a firmware issue may also be the cause. Would anything special need to be done after a reflash as far as programmed channel count, etc.

 If it is a hardware fault, however, shipping the whole board to ETC, even though it is a stone's throw away from Green Bay, is rather impractical, and the layover would probably be at least a week, so I'm curious as to whether or not it would be possible to just get a new trackpad ordered and shipped over. The board is out of warranty, so installation would not be an issue. Alternatively, would it be possible to take a drive over to Middleton and get it serviced within a scheduled day? I would assume not, but if it is an option it's definitely worth considering on our end.



  • Hello Max,
    I generally enjoy it when ETC Support and other users are able to give people the answers they need via a forum post but I think in this case you should give the factory a call at 800-688-4116 (Ask for technical support).
    I would put the odds of hardware failure at 99%
     Depending on current repair workload, employee vacations, etc. they might be able to get it done fast or maybe have a ‘loaner’. These things are by no means guaranteed but give them a call and see what they can do. (The Technical Support Team are all theatre people and understand what you are going through)
     Also, as you talk about “use a fairly large amount of moving lights in an upcoming show”…is your 48/96 going to have enough channels?
  • Hello Max,
    I generally enjoy it when ETC Support and other users are able to give people the answers they need via a forum post but I think in this case you should give the factory a call at 800-688-4116 (Ask for technical support).
    I would put the odds of hardware failure at 99%
     Depending on current repair workload, employee vacations, etc. they might be able to get it done fast or maybe have a ‘loaner’. These things are by no means guaranteed but give them a call and see what they can do. (The Technical Support Team are all theatre people and understand what you are going through)
     Also, as you talk about “use a fairly large amount of moving lights in an upcoming show”…is your 48/96 going to have enough channels?
  • Oh, but there was a software issue, once in a universe a long time ago.

    It may be ver 3.0 ???? where the track pad would get hyper-sensitive, so that (trying to remove house lights from all cues in blind with the house open) typing ch [1] [@] would grab a value from the track pad (if you typed too hard) as the level, so you could never get a level to stay at 0 to re-record.

    That was fixed with software
