Vectorworks 2009 to Emphasis

Hi all,

Does anyone know if it is possible to transfer Vectorworks files onto the Emphasis? Is this even possible?


PJ Veltri

  • In general, and assuming you are attempting a direct conversion from VW to WYSIWYG.  Also assuming you are talking Emphasis Off-Line with WYSIWYG.  Never tried this direct to console.

    I have never had any luck or skill at getting WYG to "see" or recognize lighting instrument symbols created in VW (even if exported as either .dxf or .dwg) as the symbol required of WYG to visualize, thus you end up with a lot of line symbols in the drawing that don't mean much.

    What I have been able to do is export a Lightwright file in LW2 format imported to Emphasis/WYSIWYG , then do the symbol conversion WYG makes you go thru, as it matches incoming data to WYG symbols.  This method allows WYG to generate a hookup  with symbols direct from LW.  You have the whole plot from LW and can place instruments onto a drawing.  The patch comes over as well, as does color, dimmer, etc..  I use this method to export my VW/LW patch to Emphasis

    To visualize, you need to do all the WYG stuff, establish positions, heights, focus, etc...


    Steve B.




  • In general, and assuming you are attempting a direct conversion from VW to WYSIWYG.  Also assuming you are talking Emphasis Off-Line with WYSIWYG.  Never tried this direct to console.

    I have never had any luck or skill at getting WYG to "see" or recognize lighting instrument symbols created in VW (even if exported as either .dxf or .dwg) as the symbol required of WYG to visualize, thus you end up with a lot of line symbols in the drawing that don't mean much.

    What I have been able to do is export a Lightwright file in LW2 format imported to Emphasis/WYSIWYG , then do the symbol conversion WYG makes you go thru, as it matches incoming data to WYG symbols.  This method allows WYG to generate a hookup  with symbols direct from LW.  You have the whole plot from LW and can place instruments onto a drawing.  The patch comes over as well, as does color, dimmer, etc..  I use this method to export my VW/LW patch to Emphasis

    To visualize, you need to do all the WYG stuff, establish positions, heights, focus, etc...


    Steve B.




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