Expression off-line read and write ASCII files

I have open a show file(SHW), and write it to a ASCII file and read the ASCII file I just saved. I lost all the effect steps in cues.

It looks like the program does not read $$CeParams and $$CeStep secondary keywords from the file. I tried to program the cues without keystrokes. Is anyone having the same problem or am I doing something wrong?



  • Tkuan,

    As other have said, the Express Offline Editor will not read back in manufacturer specific USITT ascii extensions.  Afoster gave a good summary of what is in the basic USIIT ascii standard.

    But you might be interested in a bit of software I've been working on and have just made available (open source, MIT license) to others-

    XLCue is an Excel spreadsheet that uses Visual Basic behind the scenes to read and write USITT ascii data for cues, (and patch and subs and groups) and allow you to edit it in a spreadsheet format.  It also has some special features that help a lot in dealing with scrollers, or in getting by with very simple moving lights.

    The program itself can be found at http//

    Some documentation can be found at

    Please let me know if you use it at all, have any questions or comments, etc.

  • Tkuan,

    As other have said, the Express Offline Editor will not read back in manufacturer specific USITT ascii extensions.  Afoster gave a good summary of what is in the basic USIIT ascii standard.

    But you might be interested in a bit of software I've been working on and have just made available (open source, MIT license) to others-

    XLCue is an Excel spreadsheet that uses Visual Basic behind the scenes to read and write USITT ascii data for cues, (and patch and subs and groups) and allow you to edit it in a spreadsheet format.  It also has some special features that help a lot in dealing with scrollers, or in getting by with very simple moving lights.

    The program itself can be found at http//

    Some documentation can be found at

    Please let me know if you use it at all, have any questions or comments, etc.

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