Expression 3 and moving lights

I made an effect with moving light parameters  in the steps to make it move around during a cue.   When I continued to the next cue, parameters other than intensity got  "stuck" in the effect so the light would just be moving around.  Even if i cleared the ab and cd faders, they were still stuck moving around. The only way to get them unstuck is to go to a cue with with the channels at some intensity.  To clear it out i made a cue where every channel for the was at 1%.  I'm just wondering why its doing this and why i cant clear it out.

  • what are the advantages to using ltp channels for moving lights?

  • (My original post was utterly wrong. Luke has now made me wear the bunny ears)

    In Express(ion), not a lot. The key one is that LTP means the cue stack can move the channels to a lower level than that given from the submasters or channel faders, as they always go to the last place they were told to move to.

    In HTP mode the cue stack can't move them below the value from the submasters/channel faders.

    - Eg If Pan is set to 50% using a master/channel fader, you hit Go and the cue says 10%, an LTP channel will move to 10% while an HTP channel would stay at 50%

    "Independent" channels are the ones that ignore the Grand Master - you'd always want your non-intensity moving light attributes to be independent. LTP and independent tend to go hand-in-hand, although not always.

    [edited by: Richard at 5:20 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Apr 15 2009]
  • (My original post was utterly wrong. Luke has now made me wear the bunny ears)

    In Express(ion), not a lot. The key one is that LTP means the cue stack can move the channels to a lower level than that given from the submasters or channel faders, as they always go to the last place they were told to move to.

    In HTP mode the cue stack can't move them below the value from the submasters/channel faders.

    - Eg If Pan is set to 50% using a master/channel fader, you hit Go and the cue says 10%, an LTP channel will move to 10% while an HTP channel would stay at 50%

    "Independent" channels are the ones that ignore the Grand Master - you'd always want your non-intensity moving light attributes to be independent. LTP and independent tend to go hand-in-hand, although not always.

    [edited by: Richard at 5:20 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Apr 15 2009]
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