Broken Slider

My first submaster slider is broken on my Express 48/96. The bump button works so all i need to do is replace the slider. How do i do that and where can i buy a replacement.
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  • I have a similar issue with my Grand Master fader, and have recently had to run shows by disabling it while it was on full. Could it just be dust in the pot slider or is it a defective Fader?
  • Replacing the Fader is tricky as it requires removing the rear "brick".  In most situations however the problem is a dirty fader. This can easily be cleaned without disassembly. I recommend Deoxit by caig labs This is a non conductive cleaner that we use for console maintenance and cleaning. Try a small squirt into the fader and run it back and forth a few times. This might get it working again. If it does not and you want to fix it yourself; sliders are available from a local ETC dealer and a call into Technical Support can walk you through the assembly and disassembly process.

     I hope this helps
