So, I had a very disturbing and original experience last night as I was running my show. Here is what happened:
So, the show has had 5 performances and a tech/dress period before that with no problems and nothing was changed before last night. The only thing patched in the Fixture Patch is a couple of Rosco I-Cues. So, last night out of the blue, the fixture attributes (pan and tilt) just disappeared in some cues. The instruments the IQs are on were up at full and with the execution of a cue I notice that the IQs all of a sudden home and I have two lights pointing at the ceiling. I immediately capture the channels and bring them down. Then I look at the IQ channels to see what happened and am surprised and shocked to see that they are all at 00. I move the Blind and am again surprised to see that there are levels set in the cue, just like they should be. Eventually, several cues later, they come back so I release the intensity channels. So, later, in the second act, the same exact thing happens again.
Immediately after the show I try running the same cues again and they work perfectly. I didn't do anything in between. I can't recreate the problem, which concerns me. I am really worried that it could happen at any time and I have another week of performances.
Has anybody ever had this problem or know what I can do about it?