Trouble with Expression 2x

I just took our Expression 2x out of storage to replace our Microvision that we can't find a monitor for (it's been in hiding for about 6 months)  and I can't get any of the keys on the faceplate to work.  Also the built in LED displays are all blank, and the LEDs next to the faders are all off except for on at the bottom of each column.  The console appears to boot up properly, both monitors work, and I end up at the stage screen after booting.

  • This sounds like the crystal on the keypad has gone bad.  Open up the desk and look at the PCB under the key pad.  There should be a blinking light on the main board.  That is the heart beat.  If the red led is solid, or not on at all this is probably your problem.  Contact your local dealer to get an RMA for repair.

