Scroller Problems

I have emphasis v2.5 and it's giving me the following problems with Wybron Coloram II scrollers:

  • selectively links the scroller to the fixture, i.e. you can change the scroller via color in the encoder. For some reason it doesn't do this for all scroller / fixture combinations even though they are the same fixture / scroller types (Source 4 / Coloram II 7.5").
  • when patching the scrollers via properties in visualization it will not patch in the console. I have to manually patch the dimmers to channels.
  • Color scrolls don't render proper position to Real Life, i.e. one color is full frame in RL but renders as a split frame in visualization (I've created frame tables with the RL values, but it doesn't affect the visualization).

Can anyone help?

  • I have emphasis v2.5 and it's giving me the following problems with Wybron Coloram II scrollers:

    o                                selectively links the scroller to the fixture, i.e. you can change the scroller via color in the encoder. For some reason it doesn't do this for all scroller / fixture combinations even though they are the same fixture / scroller types (Source 4 / Coloram II 7.5").

    When drawing a fixture with a scroller in CAD you will need to patch both the fixture and scroller independently to it’s own unique EDMX address and channel.  When you have patched both the fixture and the scroller you should notice a change in the color of the channels associated with the intensity channel (green) and the scroller channel (purple).  Once you have successfully patch the dimmer and the scroller then you can control both channels by selecting either the intensity channel or the color channel and making an adjustment via the encoders.  Tip:  Make certain that you are not doing any sort of twofering with the intensity channels or setting the scroller address to the same value,  If you must have two sets of fixture and scroller at the same control channels make certain that you are only CADing one set of the fixtures/scroller combos

    o                                When patching the scrollers via properties in visualization it will not patch in the console. I have to manually patch the dimmers to channels.

    The scroller patch with not show up on the console until both the scroller and the associated fixture are both patched

    o                                Color scrolls don't render proper position to Real Life, i.e. one color is full frame in RL but renders as a split frame in visualization (I've created frame tables with the RL values, but it doesn't affect the visualization).

    The color scrolls may or may represent that actual position in real life.  When you create a scroller roll in gobo/gel list, the visualization will take all the different colors in the list and divid them equally of the channel range.   Most scrollers work on this same priniciple but not all scrollers.  Tip:  if you have a 12 color scroll with an open color on either or both ends, make certain that the gel strings are open colors added to the gel list.

  • Thank you for your response.  

    • When drawing a fixture with a scroller in CAD you will need to patch both the fixture and scroller independently to it’s own unique EDMX address and channel.
    • Tip:  Make certain that you are not doing any sort of twofering with the intensity channels or setting the scroller address to the same value,  If you must have two sets of fixture and scroller at the same control channels make certain that you are only CADing one set of the fixtures/scroller combos
    • The scroller patch with not show up on the console until both the scroller and the associated fixture are both patched

    Let me give you an example. When trying to patch a single combination FOH- 36deg Source 4 with a 7.5" Wybron Coloram II- I right-click on only that fixture and click properties. Under fixture patch I set the control channel to 11 and the Patch to EDMX 37. Under scroller patch I set the control channel to 111 and the Patch to EDMX 1127. I click OK. Now the Source four is patched, but the scroller is not for some reason.

    In building my show this has happened with five out of thirty fixture / scroller combinations. The remainder patch easily and the channels show up as you described earlier; Green for intensity, purple for color. WYSIWYG reports no errors in the bottom right hand corner of the CAD screen, and I've confirmed that no other fixtures are patched into those channels / circuits / EDMX dimmers.

    • When you create a scroller roll in gobo/gel list, the visualization will take all the different colors in the list and divid them equally of the channel range.   Most scrollers work on this same priniciple but not all scrollers.  Tip:  if you have a 12 color scroll with an open color on either or both ends, make certain that the gel strings are open colors added to the gel list.

    I believe that the problem with the visualization is that it doesn't recognize scrolls of different lenghts. The Coloram II profile has a default setting of 16 colors. The color scrolls I am using have 24 colors. I believe the visualization is not accounting for this and treating the 24 color string as a 16 color string, hence the split colors. I've looked in the library for a scroller with a default of 24 colors, but couldn't find one. Is there a way to modify the Coloram II library item properties, or create a generic 7.5" scroller with a default of 24 colors?

    While I'm on the subject of profiles, I'm also having a problem with the HES Studio Color 250 profile. My other color mixing fixtures (HES Studio Color 575 and Studio Spot 575 CMY) can mix to a color in the color library with relative accuracy, but the 250 does not. Is there an updated profile for the 250 that accounts for this?

    Thanks for your help!


    [edited by: TeatroZ at 12:45 PM (GMT -6) on Sat, Jul 21 2007] [edited by: TeatroZ at 12:44 PM (GMT -6) on Sat, Jul 21 2007] [edited by: TeatroZ at 12:32 PM (GMT -6) on Sat, Jul 21 2007] [edited by: TeatroZ at 12:31 PM (GMT -6) on Sat, Jul 21 2007]
  • Thank you for your response.  

    • When drawing a fixture with a scroller in CAD you will need to patch both the fixture and scroller independently to it’s own unique EDMX address and channel.
    • Tip:  Make certain that you are not doing any sort of twofering with the intensity channels or setting the scroller address to the same value,  If you must have two sets of fixture and scroller at the same control channels make certain that you are only CADing one set of the fixtures/scroller combos
    • The scroller patch with not show up on the console until both the scroller and the associated fixture are both patched

    Let me give you an example. When trying to patch a single combination FOH- 36deg Source 4 with a 7.5" Wybron Coloram II- I right-click on only that fixture and click properties. Under fixture patch I set the control channel to 11 and the Patch to EDMX 37. Under scroller patch I set the control channel to 111 and the Patch to EDMX 1127. I click OK. Now the Source four is patched, but the scroller is not for some reason.

    In building my show this has happened with five out of thirty fixture / scroller combinations. The remainder patch easily and the channels show up as you described earlier; Green for intensity, purple for color. WYSIWYG reports no errors in the bottom right hand corner of the CAD screen, and I've confirmed that no other fixtures are patched into those channels / circuits / EDMX dimmers.

    • When you create a scroller roll in gobo/gel list, the visualization will take all the different colors in the list and divid them equally of the channel range.   Most scrollers work on this same priniciple but not all scrollers.  Tip:  if you have a 12 color scroll with an open color on either or both ends, make certain that the gel strings are open colors added to the gel list.

    I believe that the problem with the visualization is that it doesn't recognize scrolls of different lenghts. The Coloram II profile has a default setting of 16 colors. The color scrolls I am using have 24 colors. I believe the visualization is not accounting for this and treating the 24 color string as a 16 color string, hence the split colors. I've looked in the library for a scroller with a default of 24 colors, but couldn't find one. Is there a way to modify the Coloram II library item properties, or create a generic 7.5" scroller with a default of 24 colors?

    While I'm on the subject of profiles, I'm also having a problem with the HES Studio Color 250 profile. My other color mixing fixtures (HES Studio Color 575 and Studio Spot 575 CMY) can mix to a color in the color library with relative accuracy, but the 250 does not. Is there an updated profile for the 250 that accounts for this?

    Thanks for your help!


    [edited by: TeatroZ at 12:45 PM (GMT -6) on Sat, Jul 21 2007] [edited by: TeatroZ at 12:44 PM (GMT -6) on Sat, Jul 21 2007] [edited by: TeatroZ at 12:32 PM (GMT -6) on Sat, Jul 21 2007] [edited by: TeatroZ at 12:31 PM (GMT -6) on Sat, Jul 21 2007]
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