Emphasis Offline editor

So I am not totally following the whole offline editor for emphasis.  I have express 250 2d Emphasis server.  If I want my designer to be able to view the screen of the console, does he need a copy of Wyg with a dongle or can he just use the downloaded version of Emphasis and tie in through the network. Also what extra equipment do I need.  Does he need a video node or can his laptop hook right up to the network.


Chris MacDonald 

  • You have a couple of options -

    The simplest is probably the ETCNet2 Video Node to get the console screens to the tech table.

    Emphasis Offline Editor is just that - offline. You cannot use it to view live data from the system. No WYG dongle is required to edit console data. A WYG dongle is required to edit visualization data.

    Remote Virtual Facepanel, however, can be used to view show data on a PC connected to the lighting network. This requires a WYG dongle to be used. The dongle can be for any level of WYG, so a Report dongle is all you would need (especially in a 2D system). Visualization data, if desired, must be exported from the Emphasis Server as a WYG file and moved manually over to the RVF machine if one wants to see it at that location. Only console data is mirrored on that PC.

    I hope this helps -



  • You have a couple of options -

    The simplest is probably the ETCNet2 Video Node to get the console screens to the tech table.

    Emphasis Offline Editor is just that - offline. You cannot use it to view live data from the system. No WYG dongle is required to edit console data. A WYG dongle is required to edit visualization data.

    Remote Virtual Facepanel, however, can be used to view show data on a PC connected to the lighting network. This requires a WYG dongle to be used. The dongle can be for any level of WYG, so a Report dongle is all you would need (especially in a 2D system). Visualization data, if desired, must be exported from the Emphasis Server as a WYG file and moved manually over to the RVF machine if one wants to see it at that location. Only console data is mirrored on that PC.

    I hope this helps -



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