help with programming and off line software

Hello to the group !


I am new to the ETC 125 and need some help here ..


I am trying to flash 3 different lights  1 set gold 1 set blue one set red ...  Trying to give a 'glass ball ' type of look

I cant seem to find where I can cycle through 2 or 3 light per colour .. I need to do this in 1 cue so I can go to the next ..

so here is what I want to do .. dim stage lights to 20% or so  red lights will flash ( dimmer 1 then 2 then 3) a couple times then red off and the stage lights to 90%  then I can go to the next cue  I need this to happen for 3 different cues .


2nd part .. I load the off line software on my PC but I cant do anything its very small ( I am hard of sight with small items) and cant find to make full screen or set to the board the guild has


HELP please  tomarrow  tuesday nov 24th will be my 2nd day with this GREAT board .. I have got the basics down and happy with what I have learned  and I hope to be doing the lighting for the guild for a long time to come .. so any and all help you can fire my way would be great


you can post here or email me (kbcollies at Gmail dot com)






  • Rick;

    Welcome to the fun filled world of Express!

    Second item first: You can change the size of your displays by right clicking on the blue menu bar of any window and changing the size. The options are tine, small and large.  The program defaults to Tiny. Try this as it might make it easier to read and use.

    Also in the main menu bar ( titled Expression Offline) there is an options menu that will let you change the console type. This will allow you to get the correct displays, keypads and fader options.


    For your first question, Might I suggest using subroutines as opposed to effects? A subroutine allows you to play a series of cues in a loop or with specific timing based on a single press of your go. This is going to be a lot easier that trying to write a single effect that does everything you are trying to do.

    To use them:

    1. Set up your cues as you like them ( ie A cue for your dim look, an effect cue for your each or your flashes and a cue for your lights back to 90). Use high numbered cues outside of your show range so they will not play in your regular show order (I generally number them in the 500's).
    2. In the spots in your show where you want place your subroutines
    3. To create a subroutine go into blind and type cue followed by # and then press type
    4. choose option 4 for subroutine.
    5. In the subroutine menu you can create steps that allow you to reference cues and set timing for each step.
    6. Insert your cues into these steps with timing that works for you.
    7. At the end of your subroutine steps add a final ending step by adding a step and choosing Style ( Soft key 8)
    8. In your last step you can choose how you want the subroutine to end.
    9. Record the cue when complete

    I would suggest using the hold for go option at the end so that the Stage manager can call a go for the next cue in your show.


    I hope this helps. If you have additional questions please feel free to reply here, or contact our Technical Support Department at 800-688-4116. Any of the talented individuals can help you or walk you through this process. If you need to call it will be helpful for both you and the Support technician if you are at the console or in front of your computer to walk through it.

    Happy Programming!



  • Rick;

    Welcome to the fun filled world of Express!

    Second item first: You can change the size of your displays by right clicking on the blue menu bar of any window and changing the size. The options are tine, small and large.  The program defaults to Tiny. Try this as it might make it easier to read and use.

    Also in the main menu bar ( titled Expression Offline) there is an options menu that will let you change the console type. This will allow you to get the correct displays, keypads and fader options.


    For your first question, Might I suggest using subroutines as opposed to effects? A subroutine allows you to play a series of cues in a loop or with specific timing based on a single press of your go. This is going to be a lot easier that trying to write a single effect that does everything you are trying to do.

    To use them:

    1. Set up your cues as you like them ( ie A cue for your dim look, an effect cue for your each or your flashes and a cue for your lights back to 90). Use high numbered cues outside of your show range so they will not play in your regular show order (I generally number them in the 500's).
    2. In the spots in your show where you want place your subroutines
    3. To create a subroutine go into blind and type cue followed by # and then press type
    4. choose option 4 for subroutine.
    5. In the subroutine menu you can create steps that allow you to reference cues and set timing for each step.
    6. Insert your cues into these steps with timing that works for you.
    7. At the end of your subroutine steps add a final ending step by adding a step and choosing Style ( Soft key 8)
    8. In your last step you can choose how you want the subroutine to end.
    9. Record the cue when complete

    I would suggest using the hold for go option at the end so that the Stage manager can call a go for the next cue in your show.


    I hope this helps. If you have additional questions please feel free to reply here, or contact our Technical Support Department at 800-688-4116. Any of the talented individuals can help you or walk you through this process. If you need to call it will be helpful for both you and the Support technician if you are at the console or in front of your computer to walk through it.

    Happy Programming!



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