Triggering A console over Midi

How can I trigger my Express over midi? I have an mBox, and protools, can i make a click track to trigger? Will it be the same thing on an Element?



  • We use to run our Expression with midi from Protools for some of our year end dance show rentals.

    The Expression would accept  program change notes as a "goto cue #" command. Program change 1 is a next command, causing the expression to fire the next cue in the stack as if it hit "GO". All other program changes correspond to specific Cue numbers. Program change 2 is cue 1 and change 10 is cue 9 all the up to change 128 being cue 127. Cue 128 and up respond to controller changes. Cue 128-255 is controller 70 parameters 0-127, 256-383 is controller change 71 parameters 0-127 and so on up to cue 999. This is for the AB fader only. You can control the CD faders separately.

    I have not had much success on using this method on the EOS software, however I have had a lot of success using the Net3 Show Control Gateway and using the time code out of Protools to then fire cues on the EOS

    If you would like the rest of the protools / expression midi interface information that we have for setting up a show let me know and I can forward that onto you.


  • We use to run our Expression with midi from Protools for some of our year end dance show rentals.

    The Expression would accept  program change notes as a "goto cue #" command. Program change 1 is a next command, causing the expression to fire the next cue in the stack as if it hit "GO". All other program changes correspond to specific Cue numbers. Program change 2 is cue 1 and change 10 is cue 9 all the up to change 128 being cue 127. Cue 128 and up respond to controller changes. Cue 128-255 is controller 70 parameters 0-127, 256-383 is controller change 71 parameters 0-127 and so on up to cue 999. This is for the AB fader only. You can control the CD faders separately.

    I have not had much success on using this method on the EOS software, however I have had a lot of success using the Net3 Show Control Gateway and using the time code out of Protools to then fire cues on the EOS

    If you would like the rest of the protools / expression midi interface information that we have for setting up a show let me know and I can forward that onto you.


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