Obsession ll processors are freezing

The processors on the obsession ll console have to many stored shows on them and it is taking to long to delete them one by one. Is there a way to erase the stored shows all at once?

  • Tech support had me do this on mine a few months ago when it was having problems.

    It involved hooking a monitor up to the processor, booting to the dos prompt, and running del *.* on the Show Archive directory.

    I would assume a quick call to them could get you into the DOS prompt.

  • Joeman, you can take a look at this page: Product Wiki . But although the process Bryankacz described is straightforward if you've done it before, it's annoyingly difficult if you're not familiar with DOS. You need (ideally) a third monitor to put into the diagnostic port.

    An older guy like me (who has never owned an Apple product-not that I'm "proud" of that ...) is comfortable with DOS, but you may not be. It's a jargony, complex, and antiquated operating system. I would be as lost on a Unix command line as some Obsession users might be on a DOS command line.

    Note also that you're likely to have to delete the same shows on both machines or they''ll come back. And you need to save the shows you want to retain on diskette (for example) because the verbal "show names" aren't visible on the DOS command line.

  • Joeman, you can take a look at this page: Product Wiki . But although the process Bryankacz described is straightforward if you've done it before, it's annoyingly difficult if you're not familiar with DOS. You need (ideally) a third monitor to put into the diagnostic port.

    An older guy like me (who has never owned an Apple product-not that I'm "proud" of that ...) is comfortable with DOS, but you may not be. It's a jargony, complex, and antiquated operating system. I would be as lost on a Unix command line as some Obsession users might be on a DOS command line.

    Note also that you're likely to have to delete the same shows on both machines or they''ll come back. And you need to save the shows you want to retain on diskette (for example) because the verbal "show names" aren't visible on the DOS command line.

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