Upgrading Express 250 from v1.0.2 to anything


I've just started using a board that we have in one of our spaces, and noticed it was running operating system 1.0.2.  We are currently programing a show and I'd like to upgrade the OS but I'm concerned that 2.0 or 3.11 won't read the 1.0.2 show file.  Does anyone know if it will? or, does anyone know where I can get a copy of OS 1.0.2 so that if it doesn't work I can downgrade?


  • Hi fiatlux,

    I believe that when you see the 1.0.2 the console is starting up, is that correct? If so, that is the boot loader software and not the actual version of software running on the Express.

    To see what version of software you are running, press [Setup]. It will be in the bottom right corner of the Setup menu screen.
