Express 48/96 gremlins


I have an Express 48/96, which has been running flawlessly for several years, just recently it has started doing very odd things. After writing cues  out put values appear to be 2-3 percentage points lower than recorded. During a show this evening the percentage levels started fluctuating up and down 5-10 percent. by the end of the show even the AB CD masters were not holding at 100 percent and random channels started to glow at as much as 30 percent.

Has anyone seen these symtoms before, and if so what can i do to resolve the problem

Thanks for any input



Parents Reply Children
  • John;

    Glad you were able to diagnose it. Before you go to the trouble of disassembling the console and replacing the fader, you might want to clean it first.  I recommend any cramolin based cleaner ( like what you would use to clean faders on your sound board) like DeOxit by Caig labs.

    A few squirts might well clear up the problem for a lot less time and money than a replacement.





