Express 24/48 Lock Up/ Freezing

I am currently using a Express 24/48. Recently, I have had a number of freak occurences happen, such as jumping to the Park page with no buttons being pushed, locking up while running a show (no control over any thing, no buttons function), and tonight, an effect sub not disabling with either the preprogrammed macro (which has worked for weeks now) or the manual over ride with the fader. There seems to be no consistency with the problems, only random happenings. Any ideas?

  • Techman

    Please contact support at 800.688.4116


  • Techman, I had a very very similar thing happening on my 24/48.  What a possibility could be is the show file being corrupted.  Try either a.) starting fresh with your show (probably your best bet) or b.) save your show onto a new disc and reload it from there. (I did this and it still worked but if this doesn't work go to solution a)  I called ETC once and they also said a possibility could be that the power supply has gone bad.  Also if you have macros that go off at a set time (ex. 12:00 am macro 1 fires) sometimes it'll screw up and it will go thru all sorts of random pages.  I know this because i had a macro go and it was programed for the stage page and i was on the blind page.


    [edited by: quadman9647 at 9:57 AM (GMT -6) on Fri, May 14 2010]