Obsession II Faceplate noise

Hi All,

I hope that the US folks are enjoying their long weekend, but I am also hoping that some tired of the nice weather and BBQ'ing and are inside checking the forums.  Before anyone says it, I do plan on calling ETC Tech Support when they re-open on tuesday(wednesday for me), but thought I would try here first for a quick answer.

Odd question. What in the faceplate might be making noise and should it be a cause for concern. It almost sounds like a hard drive grinding, but the odd thing is that when I have the unit do something processor intensive (read or write a show file) the noise temporarily stops. As soon as the save or read is complete, the noise starts again. I assume its not a fan as I wouldn't think the fans would stop when the main processor is thinking, but....

I'm currently in Japan with what is believed to be one of the only Obsessions's in the country and the Japanese electrician has always been concerned that should unit fail, we won't have a backup. Hense the concern over the new noise.

Does this sound like anything we should be worried about?

Also while I have you... I believe our BIOS battery is dead. Every reboot results in a reset date and time. I have seen other posts mention changing the battery, but is it actually a user serviceable part, or should it only be done by ETC Rep's? We probably won't get around to it for this production as we won't risk opening it up before the show, but before the console is used again next year, maybe it is something I can have them work on.


Thanks all,


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