Adding moving lights on Expression 3

Hello everyone,

I am having problem understanding why whenever i go to setup my encoders on expression 3 , I dont have the option to select Pan fine. It only gives me Pan. Is there some way to control 16 bit pan/tilt with only One encoder. Or how would I set this up.




  • Hi there -

    Expression 3 handles 16-bit channels natively, blending coarse and fine as designed and giving you the whole 16-bit range on one encoder. The only way to control Pan/Tilt coarse and fine as two separate parameters is to make them two separate 8-bit parameters. You then lose the smoothing of running the 16-bit parameters in true 16-bit. In other words, the console blends the two DMX channels "under the hood" so you don't have to worry about it.

    Out of curiosity, what is it you want to do with the fine encoder that you can't do with the single encoder?

    Thanks much-


  • Hi Sarah,

    I read and reread the manual, and I had no  idea about this blending idea! When I was trying to setup the encoder, I was referring to how my Strand 300 is setup.

    Thanks for coming to the rescue!!


    [edited by: lightingguy1 at 2:45 PM (GMT -6) on Mon, Aug 30 2010]