Updating Impression 2's software to Expression 3's 3.11 software


Would it be possible to safely update say for example, an Impression 2. which only has one moniter output, to Expression 3 's 3.11 software(has 2 moniter outputs). Or in other words...... Have an Express 48/96 updated to Expression 3's software? In both cases(if it worked) the channel count would change. right?





  • What version of software is currently on both consoles?  Most likely the Express 48/96 can be directly updated to 3.11, but this will not change the channel count of the console.

    Depending on its age, the Impression 2 may need some slight hardware fixes before being upgraded to 3.11.  If my memory serves, I think if it's running version 2.0 or later software, then you can update to 3.11 without any problem.  The console physically only has one monitor output, so changing the software can't give you a second monitor output.

    All of the consoles in the Express/ion family basically run the same software, it's the specific hardware you have that will determine channel count and other capabilities.

  • Oh ok, Thanks! I believe that The Impression 2 is running V2.0 software. Now if I update the software to 3.11, will it give me the MTC function?

