will an ETC Expression 3 work with an Insight 3 LPC?

Hi guys,


I need to know if a Expression 3 LPC could work with an Insight 3 LPC...



Thnx in advance!


  • I think it will depend on how your Insight 3 LPC was being used.

    I'm assuming you are trying to replace an Insight3 with an Expression 3 unit.  If the reverse is the case, what I'm saying may not apply.

    If I recall right, the one time I tried replacing an Insight 3 device with an Expression 3, the limiting factor was any subs created beyond 24 were lost.  While the Expression has 10 pages of subs, I believe the Insight does as well, creating up to 1080 subs.   The Expression doesn't know what to do with those extra subs, so it just truncates them.   If you are just doing cues and the like, it should transfer fine, based on channel counts, etc.  If you are going from Expression 3 to Insight, I think it should do fine as well.   If I'm wrong, I hope someone will correct me as needed.

    Good Luck.


  • I think it will depend on how your Insight 3 LPC was being used.

    I'm assuming you are trying to replace an Insight3 with an Expression 3 unit.  If the reverse is the case, what I'm saying may not apply.

    If I recall right, the one time I tried replacing an Insight 3 device with an Expression 3, the limiting factor was any subs created beyond 24 were lost.  While the Expression has 10 pages of subs, I believe the Insight does as well, creating up to 1080 subs.   The Expression doesn't know what to do with those extra subs, so it just truncates them.   If you are just doing cues and the like, it should transfer fine, based on channel counts, etc.  If you are going from Expression 3 to Insight, I think it should do fine as well.   If I'm wrong, I hope someone will correct me as needed.

    Good Luck.

