
OBS made an unexpected yet rather graceful exit, while idle; appears to be functioning normally after cycling power.

i appreciate that not every buffer flush can be logged, so there's no way to conclusively analyze this instance. i wonder if there are any known causes, common or otherwise?

i will have the unit opened to replace the battery, and will be restoring the cmos file; is there any maintenance specific to the 960 board that should be performed while i'm in there?


12/16 09:45:04 112 I/O device online: type=23 addr=00:c0:16:00:21:b5
12/16 09:45:04 003 Phantom Toggle is Off
12/16 09:47:22 112 I/O device online: type=11 addr=01:00:00:00:00:00
12/16 09:47:22 003 Phantom Toggle is Off
12/16 10:12:01 299 p83isa: i960InFifoEmptiedTimeout
12/16 10:12:01 299 p83isa: Isa960Failure()!
01/01 00:00:47 100 Temporary network disable call failed
01/01 00:00:47 000 Initializing system
01/01 00:00:47 000 Software Version: Build: 1057789153 Size: 1536
01/01 00:00:47 001 Shadow buffer 0x011628F0 Shadow pointer 0x01163000
01/01 00:00:47 120 CONFIG.DAT - Message Logging enabled
01/01 00:00:47 120 HRDSET.DAT - Hours from GMT -8:00
01/01 00:00:47 120 HRDSET.DAT - Daylight savings option selected
01/01 00:00:47 120 CONFIG.DAT - IP Address
01/01 00:00:47 120 CONFIG.DAT - TCP/IP Subnet Mask
01/01 00:00:48 120 CONFIG.DAT - Gateway IP
01/01 00:00:48 120 CONFIG.DAT - DMX Data Distribution IP
01/01 00:00:48 110 Slave is iPentium
01/01 00:00:48 120 Setting time zone TIMEZONE=LOC::480:040102:102802
01/01 00:00:48 120 HRDSET.DAT - ETCNet2
01/01 00:00:48 120 HRDSET.DAT - fileserver disabled
01/01 00:00:48 120 HRDSET.DAT - Redundant Tracking disabled
01/01 00:00:48 400 Exit FTB Tracking Indeterminate
01/01 00:00:48 400 Enter FTB Primary Power Up
01/01 00:00:48 120 HRDSET.DAT - Tracking Unit A
01/01 00:00:48 120 HRDSET.DAT - DMX from backup unit on
01/01 00:00:48 120 HRDSET.DAT - Offline Editing Disabled
01/01 00:00:48 120 HRDSET.DAT - Default Printer Letter
01/01 00:00:48 001 Initializing Network Interface
01/01 00:00:50 004 BAD CMOS FILE EXISTS!
01/01 00:00:50 004 AND CMOS IS STILL BAD!
01/01 00:00:51 299 Successfully downloaded isa960io.hex to ISA i960
01/01 00:00:52 299 Getting channel count from ISA i960
01/01 00:00:52 299 Sent channel count request
01/01 00:00:52 299 System Channel count is: 1536
01/01 00:00:52 299 Reset ops
01/01 00:00:52 100 Tracking system starting up
01/01 00:01:13 221 New Device at addr=df:71:7f is of unknown type.
01/01 00:01:13 400 Exit FTB Primary Power Up
01/01 00:01:13 400 Enter FTB Acting Primary
01/01 00:01:13 221 Device at addr=df:71:7f is of unknown type.
01/01 00:01:13 299 Rediscovered device, addr=00:04:76:df:71:7f
01/01 00:01:13 001 File  not found on disk for network file write
01/01 00:01:13 111 Multiuser enabled
01/01 00:01:13 299 etcLinkInitFailed = false
01/01 00:01:17 288 CDisplayEtherNet::OpenVideoSystem
01/01 00:01:17 299 Sending SMPTE_RECV_DISABLE message to ISA i960
01/01 00:01:17 299 Sending SMPTE_RECV_DISABLE message to ISA i960
01/01 00:01:17 299 Sending SMPTE_RECV_DISABLE message to ISA i960
01/01 00:01:17 299 Sending SMPTE_RECV_DISABLE message to ISA i960
01/01 00:01:18 095 Clearing all
01/01 00:01:18 299 Sending DMX_PARAM_SET message to ISA i960
01/01 00:01:19 299 Sending SMPTE_RECV_DISABLE message to ISA i960
01/01 00:01:19 299 Sending SMPTE_RECV_DISABLE message to ISA i960
01/01 00:01:20 299 Sending DMX_PARAM_SET message to ISA i960
01/01 00:01:20 299 Sending DMX_PARAM_SET message to ISA i960
01/01 00:01:20 299 Sending SMPTE_RECV_DISABLE message to ISA i960
01/01 00:01:20 299 Sending SMPTE_RECV_DISABLE message to ISA i960
01/01 00:01:20 299 Sending DMX_PARAM_SET message to ISA i960
01/01 00:01:20 299 Sending DMX_PARAM_SET message to ISA i960
01/01 00:01:20 221 Device at addr=df:71:7f is of unknown type.
01/01 00:01:20 299 Sending DMX_PARAM_SET message to ISA i960
01/01 00:01:20 299 Sending DMX_PARAM_SET message to ISA i960
01/01 00:01:21 299 Sending ISA_IO_ENABLE message to ISA i960
01/01 00:01:21 300 seeking Net1/Net2 beacon: 1
01/01 00:01:21 Init task messaging
01/01 00:01:21 221 Device at addr=df:71:7f is of unknown type.
01/01 00:01:21 001 Doing Reconstruct()
01/01 00:01:21 095 Clearing all
01/01 00:01:22 299 Sending DMX_PARAM_SET message to ISA i960
01/01 00:01:22 299 Reset ops
01/01 00:01:22 299 Sending SMPTE_RECV_DISABLE message to ISA i960
01/01 00:01:22 299 Sending SMPTE_RECV_DISABLE message to ISA i960
01/01 00:01:23 299 Sending DMX_PARAM_SET message to ISA i960
01/01 00:01:23 299 Sending DMX_PARAM_SET message to ISA i960
01/01 00:01:23 299 Sending SMPTE_RECV_DISABLE message to ISA i960
01/01 00:01:23 299 Sending SMPTE_RECV_DISABLE message to ISA i960
01/01 00:01:24 001 Restoring groups
01/01 00:01:24 001 Restoring Effects
01/01 00:01:24 001 Restoring cues
01/01 00:01:28 001 Restoring subs
01/01 00:01:35 299 Sending DMX_PARAM_SET message to ISA i960
01/01 00:01:35 299 Sending DMX_PARAM_SET message to ISA i960
01/01 00:01:36 299 Sending SMPTE_RECV_DISABLE message to ISA i960
01/01 00:01:36 299 Sending SMPTE_RECV_DISABLE message to ISA i960
01/01 00:01:37 299 Sending DMX_PARAM_SET message to ISA i960
01/01 00:01:37 299 Sending DMX_PARAM_SET message to ISA i960
01/01 00:01:37 001 In Reconstruct() SRAM checksum = aef2
01/01 00:01:37 001 After Reconstruct()
01/01 00:01:37 299 Initializing Net2 Video
01/01 00:01:37 299 Net2 Video initialization complete
01/01 00:01:39 299 GLOBL_Initialization complete = true
01/01 00:01:39 300 seeking Net1/Net2 beacon: 2
01/01 00:01:40 000 Initialization completed
01/01 00:01:44 300 seeking Net1/Net2 beacon: 3
01/01 00:01:49 300 seeking Net1/Net2 beacon: 4
01/01 00:05:10 112 I/O device online: type=23 addr=00:c0:16:00:21:b5
01/01 00:05:10 003 Phantom Toggle is Off
01/01 00:05:10 112 I/O device online: type=23 addr=00:c0:16:00:21:b5
01/01 00:05:10 003 Phantom Toggle is Off
01/01 00:05:18 299 Sending DMX_PARAM_SET message to ISA i960
01/01 00:05:18 299 EtcLinkAddress->IsValid() = false
01/01 00:05:18 001 I/O Selector Output: primary

[edited by: quinn at 1:26 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Dec 21 2010]
Parents Reply Children
  • tbuchman said:

    quinn, if you can't wait for a staff reply, consider this link, after making sure it matches your console:


    Have you gently vacuumed lately? Although you have to be very careful of the vanes, I cleaned the cooling fans once a year with damp Q-tips. The dust deposits have to decrease air volume.


    Just FYI, I know it wasn't clear in the original post, and I only know it because I'm familiar with the message log, but the link you referenced is for an Obsession 1.  Quinn has an Obsession 2.  Just wanted to deter any confusion.  As a matter of fact, now that I look at that page, it needs some serious revision, which I will attend to now. . .
