Default mode

Probably a stupid question here, but recently when starting my Emphasis system, it always loads into CAD mode, even though it used to with Emphasis mode... I have tried clicking over to Emphasis and doing a "Save As" on the default show file, but nothing seems to be working.


Anyone with any idea on how to make it default back to Emphasis mode? 

Parents Reply Children
  • Navigation shortcuts are available in the shortcut bar (at the top, I think). They allow you to set up buttons that will jump you from mode to mode, tab to tab, quickly. They are described in the Visualization User Manual on page 24. I think if there's one called Default, it's the one that you will start up in (although I may be mis-remembering this). Give it a try... Offhand, I can't think of any other reason why your system would start up differently all of a sudden.

    I am assuming that you were not starting up in Show Mode, though - is that correct? Your system would start with all modes available, just with Emphasis mode in focus, correct? If you were starting up with only Emphasis mode showing, then you were starting in Show Mode - which is an option in the Open Show dialog.

    I hope this helps...


