running linked macro in AB fader clears CD fader??

I had such good results with my last post, I thought I'd try another.  This is on an Express 24/48 board with the latest 3.1.1 software.

I am trying to run my moving light cues in the C/D fader while keeping the rest of the stage lighting cues in the A/B fader.  In order to do so, I am trying to link macros to the cues in C/D to fire cues in A/B.  When I do so in the offline software, it works fine but on the real console, the cue fires in C/D and therefore my moving lights go back to all zeroes.

Here's an example:

Cue 700 (moving light cue) linked to macro 200 which is just "Cue 1 3 3 Go-AB"

When I fire cue 700 in the C/D fader, I want cue 133 to fire in A/B (and still leave 700 in C/D).

Like I said, in the Offline software, it works fine, but on the console, I end up with only cue 133 in the C/D fader.

Any thoughts? 


