Writing to disk from Offline Editor

Hi All,


I am currently working with the offline editor for the Express series, and I have one question. When I go into setup, disk functions, I am unable to write to the floppy drive plugged into my computer. Do I just drag the .shw file into the floppy disk, and I'm all set?


Thanks in advance!


  • Jared,

    If the console's menus aren't working, you can always use the file menu of the Expression Offline window and save to wherever needed.

    However, when it comes time to load it on to the console, you need to make sure that the file is saved as Exp2.shw on the floppy disk, or else the console will not recognize it as a valid showfile.


  • Jared,

    If the console's menus aren't working, you can always use the file menu of the Expression Offline window and save to wherever needed.

    However, when it comes time to load it on to the console, you need to make sure that the file is saved as Exp2.shw on the floppy disk, or else the console will not recognize it as a valid showfile.

