Express 24/48

I'm trying to figure out the ins and outs of an Express 24/48 lighting board that I have "inherited" as part of a TV Production classroom.

I guess first I will describe the setup of the lighting system, then explain the problem...

I have 48 lighting outlets.  4 rows of 10 on the ceiling, and 8 wall outlets.

The outlets are numbered:

Row 1: 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Row 2: 6 7 8 9 10 6 7 8 9 10
Row 3: 11 12 13 14 15 11 12 13 14 15
Row 4: 16 17 18 19 20 16 17 18 19 20

And on the walls there are two boxes numbered 21/22 and two numbered 23/24

What I've figured out by hooking up some lights, the system is wired so that number 20 on the board controls both number 20s on the ceiling.

There is an electric box near the light board that houses the ETC D20 dimmer modules.  It is also only numbered 1-24.  There is no other box (with 25-48).

Now here's the problem:

Quite a few of the dimmers(channels?) do not work.  When I turn all of the lights up, fixtures that are plugged into about 16 of the switches are not receiving power.  I also notice that in the electric box, the dimmer modules that correspond to the lights that are not working have status lights that are out, while the others have green status lights.  I have swapped modules from a non-working slot to a working slot and the dimmer from the non-working slot worked fine in the new slot.

I'm sure it has something to do with settings on the lighting board.  Can anyone give me some pointers for things to check in the express 24/48 configuration?

Thank you for any advice you may be able to offer!


    It defiantly sounds like you have a patching issue. Below is the link for the Express user manual. Please see Chapter 4: Patching Channels...Page 36 takes you through setting your patch 1-1. (Chanel 1 will control Dimmer 1, CH2 to DIM2, etc)

    Regarding "There is no other box (with 25-48)." Express 24/48 means 1) that you can have 24 Channels by 2 scenes. Top row of sliders is 1-24 and bottom row is 1-24. You can manual move between the 2 rows to change the lighting look on stage. 2) You can put the board into one-scene mode and get channels 1-48 on the sliders.

    It is not uncommon for some smaller venues to have double circuits you said there are 2 @ #20's in your system.

    Dimmers output to circuits (The numbers on the connecter strips will general match dimmer numbers in the rack)....dimmer are control by channels on the can assign (PATCH) multiple dimmers into a single channel

    Let us know how you get on


  • I've verified that everything is on a 1-1 patch and it is still not working.  I'm sure this console is at least 8 years old, but is there possibly telephone support available?  Would love to get this resolved today. :(

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