So.. I'm fairly new to lighting and this board, but I have a few basics down.  The board is already patched, but here's my issue:  When I try to view what lights are set to the channels and I try to push up the bumps, nothing happens.  I was using the board and at first it was working, but when I would push up the Master it had a light setting that I wanted to get rid of so after messing with it I did that... but now it won't make the individual lights set to each of the channels appear by the pushing the bumps up or using the keys under each channel to preview the light.  I know they're still patched though because I can type in channels and put the intensity and the light comes up. Also, I don't think the issue is that it's on the "Blind" setting because I had it on Stage. It's very frustrating. 

PLEASE HELP ME figure out why the bumps won't work. Thanks!

[edited by: LightingNewbie at 7:32 PM (GMT -6) on Thu, Jun 21 2012]
  • Hello there,

    There are several different things that can be going on so I'd recommend a call to ETC support to work through them. That would be much more efficient than trying to deal with each possibility on the forum.

    Please be near the Express when you call as this will help us talk you though things and get quick feedback

    Americas: 1.800.688.4116

    Europe (English) +44 (0)20 8896 1000

    Asia: (+852) 2799 1220

    Germany: +49 (8024) 47 00-0



    [edited by: mmeskill at 6:53 AM (GMT -6) on Fri, Jun 22 2012]