Hog II lagging

I'm not sure which version, i'll remember to check it tomorrow.

here's the problem, i saved quite alot of views.
everytime i pressed on the one of the views i saved. it load very slowly that even cause the desk to stop sending dmx for around 2-3second.
Oh, i'm using 2 external monitor. the views are mostly using on it too.

anyone who come across this and know the reason
drop me a line.
  • Justin,

    I am guessing that you have saved a view with the "Change Show" window open someplace (it might be under some other windows). If so then this will cause the problem you describe as it is trying to access the floppy drive when you recall the view. You can check this by watching the LED on the floppy drive as you press the view.

    Then you can close the windows one at a time and I bet you will find that window is buried within your view.

    Look into that and let us know what you find. If that is not the problem, then you might send your show file to support@flyingpig.com with a description of the problem and tell them which view causes it. I am sure it can be solved fairly easily.

  • Justin,

    I am guessing that you have saved a view with the "Change Show" window open someplace (it might be under some other windows). If so then this will cause the problem you describe as it is trying to access the floppy drive when you recall the view. You can check this by watching the LED on the floppy drive as you press the view.

    Then you can close the windows one at a time and I bet you will find that window is buried within your view.

    Look into that and let us know what you find. If that is not the problem, then you might send your show file to support@flyingpig.com with a description of the problem and tell them which view causes it. I am sure it can be solved fairly easily.

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