Hog 1000 Embedded palettes

Hi everyone, my first post.
I am using a HOG 1000, latest version.

Here is my issue.-

I am setting up a default show for our company to use for fixtures we use in the applications we use them in. Basically recording palettes for things like gobos, rotation, prism, colour and so on laid out how we use it.

My problem is I want to use embedded palettes to record a BEAM pallete for the focus wheel (ie. soft,hard edge - not pan,tilt) that I can update from venue to venue with different values. I want my gobo palettes to reference this focus palette so that when i change the focus to hard for a venue with say throw of 6m, every time i select a gobo it is in focus without having to hit focus palette as well.
I have tried to record it but when I update the focus palette it doesnt follow thru to the gobo palette.

Sorry for the long post, but wanted to make it clear. Thanks for your help.
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