Wholehog II Library Generator on Linux

Hi there guys,

I just managed to create a version of the Library Generator that will run on your linux pc with the help of wine. As soon as I finish testing I will provide a special installer that will install and run fine.
I'm testing with Suse 10.0 and wine 0.9.14

I'll keep you up to date on that.
  • Hi, I have problems with a new fixture called silverspot. Croma-lite manufacturer.
    I´m using a wholehog 2 and I don´t have a good library of this fixture. I need you help me to make a new and good fixture library. I´m trying to do the library with this software but I can´t and I sent a mail to high end support but is very urgent, could someone help me?? thanks a lot

    16 channels. value range

    1 pan 0 - 255
    2 tilt 0 - 255
    3 pan fine 0 - 255
    4 tilt fine 0 - 255
    5 scan speed adjust 0 - 255
    6 focus, from near to far 0 - 255

    7 rainbow color wheel 0 - 19 white
    20-39 red
    40-59 yellow
    60-79 rose
    80-99 green
    100-119 orange
    120-139 blue
    140-159 pink
    160-179 firefly light
    180-199 dark orange
    200-255 rainbow effect

    8 static color wheel 0-25 white beam
    26-51 light red
    52-77 pale yellow
    78-103 light purple
    104-129 pale green
    130-155 light orange
    156-181 sky blue
    182-207 light blue
    208-233 decrease color tem 3200 ºk
    234-255 increase color temp 6000ºk

    9 prism, prism auto rotation 0-4 stop
    5-127 three-facet prism reverse rotate from slow to fast
    128-131 stop
    132-255 three facet prism rotate from slow to fast

    10 static gobo wheel 0-19 white beam
    20-39 gobo 1
    40-59 gobo2
    60-79 gobo3
    80-99 gobo4
    100-119 gobo5
    120-139 gobo6
    140-159 gobo 7
    180-199 gobo9
    200-255 gobo flow effect

    11 rotation gobo wheel 0-36 white beam
    37-73 metal gobo 1
    74-110 metal gobo 2
    111-147 metal gobo 3
    148-184 glass gobo 4
    185-221 glass gobo 5
    222-255 glass gobo 6

    12 gobo rotate 0-60 gobo indexing
    61-158 rotation gobo rotate from slow to fast
    159-255 rotation gobo reverse rotate from slow to fast

    13 iris, from big to small 0 - 255
    14 zoom 0 - 255
    15 beam out/strobe 0-19 shutter
    20-250 strobe
    251-255 beam out

    16 lamp on/off, reset and dimmer 0-29 no function
    30- 39 lamp on after 3 seconds, reset
    40-59 no function
    60-69 lamp off after 3 seconds, reset
    70- 128 no function
    129-255 dimmer

    thank you very much
  • Hello, check your email. Please send these to support@flyingpig.com in the future. I almost did not see this before I went home for the day.

  • Thank you very much, I sent a mail to support@highend, in future I´ll send to flyingpig... thank you again
  • Hola soy de argentina y llego a mis manos una consola Wholehog II nueva quisiera saber si alguna persona tiene idea del valor de esta ya que ingles no hablo y no encontre ningune pagina en español del producto desde ya le agradesco si me contestan saludos