Cuelist repots

Quick question,
I've printed the cuelist directory using the reports function for a show that i'm trying to tidy up and reduce in size.
If in the colum marked "pages used in" there is the number 0,i take it that i can safely delete that cue as long as i dont want it again.
Just had to check....

  • Thanks tom,
    I do have several cue's that are fired by comment macro's but i have renamed them so to avoid the possibility of deleating them in the cuelist directory.
    If you have another minute maybe you can tell me exactly the scenario regarding merging show's from IPC console mode II to Hog II and vice versa.
    I have had some issues lately where i've tried to merge show's from IPC to Hog II without much success,error message is usually on the Hog II and says something like,"wrong platform".I understand wrong platform.
    I'm doing several festival 's this summer where due to load in timings i don't arrive until the day of festival and want to be able to merge focus palletes in to my IPC and sometimes show info into festival consoles.
    Can i still do this ?or is there a workaround like loading it into hog PC first?

    Kind regards Cormac
  • Thanks tom,
    I do have several cue's that are fired by comment macro's but i have renamed them so to avoid the possibility of deleating them in the cuelist directory.
    If you have another minute maybe you can tell me exactly the scenario regarding merging show's from IPC console mode II to Hog II and vice versa.
    I have had some issues lately where i've tried to merge show's from IPC to Hog II without much success,error message is usually on the Hog II and says something like,"wrong platform".I understand wrong platform.
    I'm doing several festival 's this summer where due to load in timings i don't arrive until the day of festival and want to be able to merge focus palletes in to my IPC and sometimes show info into festival consoles.
    Can i still do this ?or is there a workaround like loading it into hog PC first?

    Kind regards Cormac
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