I have a unit that periodically (every few days) will drop its DMX signal, release all cues, and all console lcds will go dark. Some button leds stay on. Usually by waiting a few moments it will come back on its own. However, losing all your lights in the middle of a show, as you might imagine, sucks, even if only for 20 or 30 seconds.
I'm guessing its a power supply issue, though why certain parts of the board maintain power while others lose it is beyond me.
My question, in three parts, is (1) do others feel this is probably a power supply issue (2) are the Hog 1000 power supplies generic and readily available at your local electronics superstore, ala the Pearl and (3) is replacing one pretty straightforward, so's that a blundering ass like myself could replace it without screwing it all up. (ie no soldering required)
Thanks in advance.