
Hey hey...


I'm being an over-anal #$$hole and putting 12 Wilfire 400 UVs on DMX to control the lamp. Except...I had a problem...I only want Lamp control in the Beam parameter.

Sooo, I went to work and I wrote a one-channel fixture profile with only a Lamp parameter. And it works beautifully...until I hit the DBO or bring the GM down to 0%. That wouldn't work very well...because I don't want the DBO or GM to be able to control the lamp functions.

Sooo, I thought, okay...maybe it just needs an intensity channel so it won't touch the Beam...stupid, but I figured it'd be worth a shot. So I made a TWO channel fixture...nothing...still doused the lamp.

What am I missing here? "its always one button"...I know I know. But I also almost could have sworn, I could have edited the fixtures to ignore the DBO or GM...maybe I'm thinking III.


  • Hi Ryan. You just need to change the lamp parameter type to ltp8bit instead of htp8bit. Then you can eliminate the Intensity parameter. I had the opposite problem on a show where I had created a fixutre's intensity as ltp8bit and couldn't get it to go out with the GM. I'd also maybe add "kind = b" after the type to put it in the beam parameters. Try this and let us all know how it works. Take care!
  • Hi Ryan. You just need to change the lamp parameter type to ltp8bit instead of htp8bit. Then you can eliminate the Intensity parameter. I had the opposite problem on a show where I had created a fixutre's intensity as ltp8bit and couldn't get it to go out with the GM. I'd also maybe add "kind = b" after the type to put it in the beam parameters. Try this and let us all know how it works. Take care!
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