Using multiple cue lists

Hi folks:

I made it through the first week of using my new hog2pc (soon to be hog3pc). I am learning a LOT and doing it very fast, but i do have one question.

How does one (in a production environment) make use of multiple quelists on multiple faders?

I know how to record to them, but transitioning between them and the myrid other details of running a show a bit escapes me -- I can see having chases on them and fade up or down the chase when i want it, that part makes sense. but im coming from a strand GSX and im a bit lost on this point


  • Tom -- i have tried a bunch of stuff today and its working sweet!!! -- for the awards ceremony tonight i have the following set up

    on individual handles i have cue lists with one cue (essentially scenes) for the following

    - house lights
    - stage wash
    - podium special
    - puppet stage special
    - the upstage wall wash

    i also have 2 chases (one for my back stage wall in the organization colors) and one using my front bar

    The chases are set to go on above zero and reset on release

    Those will get run when the kids receive an award

    We will give it all a shot and see how it works out

  • Tom -- i have tried a bunch of stuff today and its working sweet!!! -- for the awards ceremony tonight i have the following set up

    on individual handles i have cue lists with one cue (essentially scenes) for the following

    - house lights
    - stage wash
    - podium special
    - puppet stage special
    - the upstage wall wash

    i also have 2 chases (one for my back stage wall in the organization colors) and one using my front bar

    The chases are set to go on above zero and reset on release

    Those will get run when the kids receive an award

    We will give it all a shot and see how it works out

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