Controlling Hog2 PC with MIDI keyboard


I'm trying to set up Hog2PC to a MIDI keyboard, and I have some trouble getting it to work. I have selected MIDI in in the input setup in Hog2 pc,
and now I'm trying to program the midimap file, I would like the eight faders on my keyboard to transmit data to the faders of hog2pc and there is where I'm getting stuck. I now how to do this on the keyboard but it is more difficult in the midimap file. the manual did not give very much help. any suggestions?
  • The midi implementation for the Wholehog2 was primarily designed for slaving
    two consoles together rather than controlling the system with an outboard
    midi controller, though for simple button pushes it is quite adequate. It
    is a little more complex for fader events though.

    For these the console sends a "fader_val" message (controller) to describe
    what value from 0-255 the fader should have and then a "fader" message
    (note) to describe which fader that value should be assigned to. It does
    this for every increment of the fader.

    The best way to see this is to connect two consoles together, enable "midi
    in" on one and "notes out" on the other. Then enable the "event monitor" on
    the first console so you can see the actual messages (though I appreciate
    that not everyone has two consoles!).

    If I were to move fader 1 up from 0 to 7 I would see the following messages:

    B04000 (Fader value 1)
    900A00 (Fader 1)
    B04001 (Fader value 2)
    900A00 (Fader 1)
    B04001 (Fader value 3)
    900A00 (Fader 1)
    B04002 (Fader value 4)
    900A00 (Fader 1)
    B04002 (Fader value 5)
    900A00 (Fader 1)
    B04003 (Fader value 6)
    900A00 (Fader 1)
    B04003 (Fader value 7)
    900A00 (Fader 1)

    As you can see the Hog 2 outputs the same message for pairs of values so 255
    actually corresponds to a fader_val controller message of 127.

    Or to put it another way the fader_val controller message of B04000 is sent
    for both 0 and 1 and B04001 is sent for both 2 and 3.

    This is understood by the console though so your actual resolution is 128
    steps but as intensity values are displayed in percentage this is not
    usually a problem.

    If you are curious try sticking a Li'l DMX or similar device which displays
    DMX from 0 to 255 on the output of the console or HogPC receiving midi and
    you will see what I mean. The actual values outputted are:

    0,3 5,7,9........253,255

    so it actually doubles and adds 1 to values over 0.

    I am not familiar with your particular midi device but if it is capable of
    outputting controller values followed by notes it should be possible to
    control the faders of HogPC. It may be a little clumsy though.

    Also you will have to assign a value in your midi_map.text file to the fader
    note (there is currently no note for faders only a controller for
    fader_val). This is normally note 11 for the group with the velocity
    designating the specific master (fader 31 is the grand master and fader 32
    is the manual cross fader, see V4.0 manual p 145).
  • The midi implementation for the Wholehog2 was primarily designed for slaving
    two consoles together rather than controlling the system with an outboard
    midi controller, though for simple button pushes it is quite adequate. It
    is a little more complex for fader events though.

    For these the console sends a "fader_val" message (controller) to describe
    what value from 0-255 the fader should have and then a "fader" message
    (note) to describe which fader that value should be assigned to. It does
    this for every increment of the fader.

    The best way to see this is to connect two consoles together, enable "midi
    in" on one and "notes out" on the other. Then enable the "event monitor" on
    the first console so you can see the actual messages (though I appreciate
    that not everyone has two consoles!).

    If I were to move fader 1 up from 0 to 7 I would see the following messages:

    B04000 (Fader value 1)
    900A00 (Fader 1)
    B04001 (Fader value 2)
    900A00 (Fader 1)
    B04001 (Fader value 3)
    900A00 (Fader 1)
    B04002 (Fader value 4)
    900A00 (Fader 1)
    B04002 (Fader value 5)
    900A00 (Fader 1)
    B04003 (Fader value 6)
    900A00 (Fader 1)
    B04003 (Fader value 7)
    900A00 (Fader 1)

    As you can see the Hog 2 outputs the same message for pairs of values so 255
    actually corresponds to a fader_val controller message of 127.

    Or to put it another way the fader_val controller message of B04000 is sent
    for both 0 and 1 and B04001 is sent for both 2 and 3.

    This is understood by the console though so your actual resolution is 128
    steps but as intensity values are displayed in percentage this is not
    usually a problem.

    If you are curious try sticking a Li'l DMX or similar device which displays
    DMX from 0 to 255 on the output of the console or HogPC receiving midi and
    you will see what I mean. The actual values outputted are:

    0,3 5,7,9........253,255

    so it actually doubles and adds 1 to values over 0.

    I am not familiar with your particular midi device but if it is capable of
    outputting controller values followed by notes it should be possible to
    control the faders of HogPC. It may be a little clumsy though.

    Also you will have to assign a value in your midi_map.text file to the fader
    note (there is currently no note for faders only a controller for
    fader_val). This is normally note 11 for the group with the velocity
    designating the specific master (fader 31 is the grand master and fader 32
    is the manual cross fader, see V4.0 manual p 145).
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