VM's with a BCF2000?

Hey all,
I have a bcf2000 that I want to use with my Hog 500. I'm can't really figure out from the manual what I can control with it. Can I use it to control Virtual Masters and connect them to faders like regular masters?

  • andris is right. this is possible,hovewer, the BCF is not capable of doing this on it's own. you need a piece of software to translate the midi signals from the BCF to the Hog. And as Andris said, this only work's with the first 8 masters, so personally i don't see what this will gain you, since you already have the hardware. With Hog2PC it's of cource very usefull!

    If you still want to try this (Actually I've only done this with H2pc myself. So i'm not 100% shure if the H500/1000 supports midinotes in, but if it does,) you will need a computer with a midi in and a midi out port. put the computer between the hog and the BCF, and route the midi signal through MIDI-OX(which will do the translation)
  • andris is right. this is possible,hovewer, the BCF is not capable of doing this on it's own. you need a piece of software to translate the midi signals from the BCF to the Hog. And as Andris said, this only work's with the first 8 masters, so personally i don't see what this will gain you, since you already have the hardware. With Hog2PC it's of cource very usefull!

    If you still want to try this (Actually I've only done this with H2pc myself. So i'm not 100% shure if the H500/1000 supports midinotes in, but if it does,) you will need a computer with a midi in and a midi out port. put the computer between the hog and the BCF, and route the midi signal through MIDI-OX(which will do the translation)
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