Saving to 'C'

Hello All,

I am fairly new to the WholeHog system and am using the Hog2PC Software on the Laptop to make some program modifications. I've taken the last 3 weeks or so extensivley learning the system and applying it to my job, where-as I have replaced a former co-worker of mine who made the original program.

I feel that I am come along way and have successfully created shows and ran them throughout the extensive hardware configuration. (USB -> WIDGET -> to DMX -> to Ethernet -> to Fiber -> 3000 foot run -> Back to Ethernet -> Back to DMX at 2 Final Destinations. Controlling 6 City-Colors & 2 City Beams

The issue at hand as nothing to due with any of the hardware (thank god, a mouse chewing through the Fiber would take out the whole system) but it is a simple matter of not being able to save any changes on the PC. It loads just fine when HOG2PC starts up, but it will not save. It looks for a Floppy Drive which the Laptop doesn't even have! I know this is something probably very simple.

Help anyone?!?? I am very nervous about losing the show, especially when it is constantly running every night in front of 30,000 people. I NEED TO BACK UP THE CHANGES! The Sooner the better.... :-)


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