hog 600

I am a beginning lightjockey and I am very proud that I can afford now a hog 600 .It is a half year now that I use this table and I am very satisfied .The only question I have is what can I put into the macro bank on the left corner ,and how can I program these buttons .I’ve already looked with the manual of the hog 600 and 1000 ,but I am still unable to put something in these buttons . I know the table Is out of support but for me it is a good begin
  • Hello, we did not support or distribute these consoles so our knowledge is limited. As we mentioned on the support page the manual states Macros were not implemented.


    "Full macro capabilities have not yet been included in the Jands Hog Software..."

    If they are working and use the same syntax as Hog 1000 etc you will press RECORD MACRO X and then it will record any key presses from that point on. To stop the recording press and hold the PIG button while pressing RECORD

    You may want to contact someone at Jands and see if they have more information.
  • Hello, we did not support or distribute these consoles so our knowledge is limited. As we mentioned on the support page the manual states Macros were not implemented.


    "Full macro capabilities have not yet been included in the Jands Hog Software..."

    If they are working and use the same syntax as Hog 1000 etc you will press RECORD MACRO X and then it will record any key presses from that point on. To stop the recording press and hold the PIG button while pressing RECORD

    You may want to contact someone at Jands and see if they have more information.
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