MSC Similarities between Hog 500 and Hog 3

Hello everyone!

I was wondering if the sysex messages/MSC commands are the same on a Hog 3 and a Hog 500. I'm needing to do a bunch of mapping, and it's much easier for me to set everything up with HogPC on my computer (capturing the strings for List1,Cue1,GO or List5,Cue6,GO and then saving them.

Thanks in advance!

  • Adam,

    Here is a bit of information that should help you regarding standard MSC messages:
    F0 7F - Begin Command
    01 - Device ID
    02 - Constant Value
    01 - Lighting Command Format
    01 - GO
    31 - Cue Number 1
    00 - Separator
    31 - Cuelist Number 1
    00 - Separator
    F7 - Complete Command

    F07F : these first two bytes mean: F0 is the Universal SysEx byte, 7F means ‘Real Time’
    010201 : 01: Device ID – the 02 byte – then 01: Format ID.

    So the first five bytes of every MSC string for a Hog with a device ID of 1 and a format ID of 1 should be : F07F010201
    Next we get to the exciting (sic.) bit ;-) Command time.
    The MSC Go command specifies a cue number, cue list number and cue path number – in Hog land we ignore the cue path bit in this message, so all you need to send is a cue number and cuelist number:
    The MSC Go command string for the Hog is made like this:
    For Q number and cuelist no. each decimal unit is separated by a 3, so to send a go for cue 1 in cuelist 1:
    Or for cue 15 in cuelist 10:
    The 2E byte is a decimal point, so doing cue 15.1 in cuelist 10 is:
    The string is rounded off with an F7 byte, which means end of message, so the complete string to send go on cue 15 in cuelist 10 should look like:
  • Adam,

    Here is a bit of information that should help you regarding standard MSC messages:
    F0 7F - Begin Command
    01 - Device ID
    02 - Constant Value
    01 - Lighting Command Format
    01 - GO
    31 - Cue Number 1
    00 - Separator
    31 - Cuelist Number 1
    00 - Separator
    F7 - Complete Command

    F07F : these first two bytes mean: F0 is the Universal SysEx byte, 7F means ‘Real Time’
    010201 : 01: Device ID – the 02 byte – then 01: Format ID.

    So the first five bytes of every MSC string for a Hog with a device ID of 1 and a format ID of 1 should be : F07F010201
    Next we get to the exciting (sic.) bit ;-) Command time.
    The MSC Go command specifies a cue number, cue list number and cue path number – in Hog land we ignore the cue path bit in this message, so all you need to send is a cue number and cuelist number:
    The MSC Go command string for the Hog is made like this:
    For Q number and cuelist no. each decimal unit is separated by a 3, so to send a go for cue 1 in cuelist 1:
    Or for cue 15 in cuelist 10:
    The 2E byte is a decimal point, so doing cue 15.1 in cuelist 10 is:
    The string is rounded off with an F7 byte, which means end of message, so the complete string to send go on cue 15 in cuelist 10 should look like:
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