DMX Widget

Running four Cyberlights w/DMX Widget with a USB connection to a laptop. One of the four lights keeps malfunctioning. We've had it bench tested by 3 different companies - they say it is OK. In thinking back we recall that all five lights on the Widget used to light (we think). Our current Widget display is:

TX Mode - ON
RX Mode - OFF
Active - ON
Link - ON

We've tried different laptops, wiping out the HOG PC program and reinstalling. Problem seemed to start after techs removed some temporary Christmas lighting two years ago (MAC 300's).

Any thoughts?
  • In order to give you any real help, you'll need to provide a lot more information about your system and configuration.

    *How* are your cybers misbehaving? How often does the problem occur?

    What version of 3pc are you running?

    What firmware do you have on your Cybers?

    Does the problem cyberlight exhibit the same symptoms when controlled by any other consoles?

    Do the other three Cybers work properly when connected to the same widget individually?

    Is there anything else in the DMX line between the Cybers and the widget (Opto-isolator, DMX merger, etc.)?
  • In order to give you any real help, you'll need to provide a lot more information about your system and configuration.

    *How* are your cybers misbehaving? How often does the problem occur?

    What version of 3pc are you running?

    What firmware do you have on your Cybers?

    Does the problem cyberlight exhibit the same symptoms when controlled by any other consoles?

    Do the other three Cybers work properly when connected to the same widget individually?

    Is there anything else in the DMX line between the Cybers and the widget (Opto-isolator, DMX merger, etc.)?
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