DMX Widget

Running four Cyberlights w/DMX Widget with a USB connection to a laptop. One of the four lights keeps malfunctioning. We've had it bench tested by 3 different companies - they say it is OK. In thinking back we recall that all five lights on the Widget used to light (we think). Our current Widget display is:

TX Mode - ON
RX Mode - OFF
Active - ON
Link - ON

We've tried different laptops, wiping out the HOG PC program and reinstalling. Problem seemed to start after techs removed some temporary Christmas lighting two years ago (MAC 300's).

Any thoughts?
  • Joe,

    I'm sure the MAC 300's were in the same chain using the DMX Widget. We have two ceiling-suspended Cyberlights on each side of our auditorium. The light installers have two cables, one from each side of the auditorium, running back to our light booth and connected in before the output side of the widget. I don't know where the additional lights are in the DMX chain.

    The light company is coming tomorrow or the next day to remove the MAC 300's and I will try to get more information on how they were configured. Bear in mind this the 3rd Christmas Season where we have had this configuration and the errant light problem has been occuring since the lights were removed at the end of the first year.
  • Joe,

    I'm sure the MAC 300's were in the same chain using the DMX Widget. We have two ceiling-suspended Cyberlights on each side of our auditorium. The light installers have two cables, one from each side of the auditorium, running back to our light booth and connected in before the output side of the widget. I don't know where the additional lights are in the DMX chain.

    The light company is coming tomorrow or the next day to remove the MAC 300's and I will try to get more information on how they were configured. Bear in mind this the 3rd Christmas Season where we have had this configuration and the errant light problem has been occuring since the lights were removed at the end of the first year.
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