DMX Widget

Running four Cyberlights w/DMX Widget with a USB connection to a laptop. One of the four lights keeps malfunctioning. We've had it bench tested by 3 different companies - they say it is OK. In thinking back we recall that all five lights on the Widget used to light (we think). Our current Widget display is:

TX Mode - ON
RX Mode - OFF
Active - ON
Link - ON

We've tried different laptops, wiping out the HOG PC program and reinstalling. Problem seemed to start after techs removed some temporary Christmas lighting two years ago (MAC 300's).

Any thoughts?
  • Eric,

    Where to begin? The bulb in this light seems to be lit all the time once power is turned on. Oddly, of the four lights this is the only one you can visually see that the bulb is struck. Initially the light may work fine for a while then stop emitting light even though the bulb is still lit. After a show and our HOG 2 program is closed and our laptop computer is turned off, this fixture never shuts down - we must turn off electrical power.

    I can't answer the version of Hog 2 PC at the moment - will have to get the CD and report. However the version has not changed during any of this problem. We have removed, reinstalled and started new show to eliminate imbedded problems in old program.

    Don't have any idea about firmware of Cybers - will try to research.

    We are using a laptop computer (have tried substitutes - same results) and don't have any other consoles.

    The other three Cybers are working properly, all using the same DMX Widget. Have not tried connecting individually. We have two cables - one going to two lights on left side of room and one to the right side of room.

    I don't know of any other hardware between the Widget and the Cybers.
  • Eric,

    Where to begin? The bulb in this light seems to be lit all the time once power is turned on. Oddly, of the four lights this is the only one you can visually see that the bulb is struck. Initially the light may work fine for a while then stop emitting light even though the bulb is still lit. After a show and our HOG 2 program is closed and our laptop computer is turned off, this fixture never shuts down - we must turn off electrical power.

    I can't answer the version of Hog 2 PC at the moment - will have to get the CD and report. However the version has not changed during any of this problem. We have removed, reinstalled and started new show to eliminate imbedded problems in old program.

    Don't have any idea about firmware of Cybers - will try to research.

    We are using a laptop computer (have tried substitutes - same results) and don't have any other consoles.

    The other three Cybers are working properly, all using the same DMX Widget. Have not tried connecting individually. We have two cables - one going to two lights on left side of room and one to the right side of room.

    I don't know of any other hardware between the Widget and the Cybers.
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