DMX Widget

Running four Cyberlights w/DMX Widget with a USB connection to a laptop. One of the four lights keeps malfunctioning. We've had it bench tested by 3 different companies - they say it is OK. In thinking back we recall that all five lights on the Widget used to light (we think). Our current Widget display is:

TX Mode - ON
RX Mode - OFF
Active - ON
Link - ON

We've tried different laptops, wiping out the HOG PC program and reinstalling. Problem seemed to start after techs removed some temporary Christmas lighting two years ago (MAC 300's).

Any thoughts?
  • Eric,

    The two cables I referred to were the temporary cables for the addition of the MAC 300's for the month of December. These Cyber Lights have been up and functioning for 5-8 years (before my time as an operator). I have to assume they had been properly wired prior to the MAC 300's being installed 3 Decembers ago because there were no problems then.

    I just learned StageTech is coming in the morning to remove the temporary lighting - let me talk to them about the wiring and then I will respond again after that.

    By chance is there any way I could contact you by phone tomorrow should there be a question about anything we run into?
  • Eric,

    The two cables I referred to were the temporary cables for the addition of the MAC 300's for the month of December. These Cyber Lights have been up and functioning for 5-8 years (before my time as an operator). I have to assume they had been properly wired prior to the MAC 300's being installed 3 Decembers ago because there were no problems then.

    I just learned StageTech is coming in the morning to remove the temporary lighting - let me talk to them about the wiring and then I will respond again after that.

    By chance is there any way I could contact you by phone tomorrow should there be a question about anything we run into?
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