help with chases

Hi guys, i'm new here and new to the hog systems. I'm currently playing about on hog 2pc and hog 3pc with wysiwyg before i attempt to use our hog 2 in work. What i'd like to know is, can you help with a problem i have. I have recorded some cues that i want to chase, but have found that when i add another cue on the same playback fader that it also becomes recorded into the chase. Is there anyway to stop this from happening so that nothing else is addded into the chase.

hope you guys get what i mean.


  • If you have selected the cuelist to be a chase, the entire cuelist will be included in the chase. You can chase only specific consecutive cues in a cuelist, but you will do it using follow times and a link cue and not setting the cuelist to be a chase.

    I am not sure what you are doing but if you are just starting it is probably easier to put the cue you do not want in the chase into a different fader.

    If you want cues 1-4 to chase but nor cue 5, you can put a link cue after cue 4 and put a Wait time in cue 2-4 plus the link cue. You can read about his on page 61 of the Hog 2 manual.
  • If you have selected the cuelist to be a chase, the entire cuelist will be included in the chase. You can chase only specific consecutive cues in a cuelist, but you will do it using follow times and a link cue and not setting the cuelist to be a chase.

    I am not sure what you are doing but if you are just starting it is probably easier to put the cue you do not want in the chase into a different fader.

    If you want cues 1-4 to chase but nor cue 5, you can put a link cue after cue 4 and put a Wait time in cue 2-4 plus the link cue. You can read about his on page 61 of the Hog 2 manual.
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