Strange Alert Window

While loading a show I received this alert window...

($Revision:65$)(461) TNT
v 3.3 (177): Internal error -
System Buffer Overrun

This happened afer we had done a clean start, after having issues with capturing certian attributes of fixtures. We also seemed to have issue with loading fixtures into the programmer.

Just wondering if the alret window has anything to do with the problem we were experiencing before our clean start.

  • Hello, I am not sure what caused this one. I am not familiar with the setup and what it may have seen as an Unexpected Condition. Chances are it was a one time thing and restarting may get past this.

    It is possible an external devcie caused the error but I am not sure. If this error happens repeatedly you may want to disconnect any external devcies such as keyboards and whatever else may be connected to the console and see if the error continues. If you are receiving MIDI or Timecode commands try disconnecting those as well as something from the source could be interferring.
  • Hello, I am not sure what caused this one. I am not familiar with the setup and what it may have seen as an Unexpected Condition. Chances are it was a one time thing and restarting may get past this.

    It is possible an external devcie caused the error but I am not sure. If this error happens repeatedly you may want to disconnect any external devcies such as keyboards and whatever else may be connected to the console and see if the error continues. If you are receiving MIDI or Timecode commands try disconnecting those as well as something from the source could be interferring.
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