Transfering Hog2pc Files to Hog1000

I have access to a Hog1000. I use the Hog2PC to create shows which I later which to upload to a Hog1000. I attempted to do so last night, but I received an error message.

Unfortunately, I did not note the exact error message or the version of the Hog1000 OS I was running. But in either case, the Hog1000 recognized the disk but refused to load the show files from the Hog2PC. Are the two compatible? If they are, am I missing a step to make this happen?

  • That's pretty much normal - the Hog500/1000 will not tolerate a disk formatted by the HogPC software. What you can do, if you like, it to take a Hog formatted floppy with nothing on it, create your entire show on the HogPC setup, and then hand copy _lib.lib and all the other library stuff over to the diskette, and you should be good to go from there. I interchange between the two platforms constantly, and fortunately, the incompatibilities have nothing to do with show files - only underlying diskette setup.

    - Tim
  • That's pretty much normal - the Hog500/1000 will not tolerate a disk formatted by the HogPC software. What you can do, if you like, it to take a Hog formatted floppy with nothing on it, create your entire show on the HogPC setup, and then hand copy _lib.lib and all the other library stuff over to the diskette, and you should be good to go from there. I interchange between the two platforms constantly, and fortunately, the incompatibilities have nothing to do with show files - only underlying diskette setup.

    - Tim
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